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a NGO consultancy company
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a NGO consultancy company
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PowerSouth helps you improve and enhance the
gender justice and gender empowerment indicators in your projects.


a well known ngo consultancy in germany

PowerSouth was conceptualised on the basis that more needs to be done to connect local and grassroots organisations (with a gender and marginalised community lens) in India to resources and funds from Germany.

Since late 2021, Diya Deb and Tasneem Balasinorwala have been working on different projects under the banner of PowerSouth

PowerSouth offers professional services to ensure that  women are instated  in management and ownership roles at local projects in countries like India. 

We are proud to share that GIZ Diaspora 2030 program, and the Social Tides Aspire program have selected the idea. 

To know more and collaborate

Write to Us: info@powersouth.de


Supported By

Survey Analysis

  1. PowerSouth launched a survey end of last year to understand the challenges and needs between the #Globalsouth and #North in environment and development

How It Works


Initiate Contact with the potential customer and share value proposition to finalise what services would be of interest.

Read through project description could be at the initial phase but also at the later phase – extracting gender relevant elements to build the narrative

Create a logframe of where PowerSouth will engage within different project activities

Create an engagement plan with the stakeholders including the implementing partner

Conduct relevant desk research gender analysis

Analyse the data and get back to the project developer on possible interventions for gender equality matching PowerSouth’s offer

Consultation with a local/regional gender expert

Together with the implementing partner and project developer identifying activities where the local women can play a more active role in the project activities assuming a management role

Assessing capacity needs and organising trainings according to the project, and to the results of the gender analysis

Periodic Review

Progress Reports and tracking of SDG5 indicators

Gender narrative built and communication around the local women made stronger and integral into the project reporting on SDG5

Incorporating elements (for e.g stories, indicators and a timeline for monitoring and evaluation)

Knowledge and Numbers

Women in India on average hold approx less than 15 percent ownership of land in India, according to the Center for Land Governance index.

Women in leadership are more likely to proactively improve energy efficiency, invest in renewable energies, and measure and reduce carbon emissions.

(Source: CDC, Gender-smart Investing as an Enabler of the Just Transition, 2020. )

Germany committed an additional 10 billion Euro assistance to India to help achieve climate action targets set for 2030.

(Source: Joint Statement issued after the sixth India-Germany Inter-Governmental Consultations (IGC)